Food Fun Facts – Berries

Though fruits seem rather straightforward, especially to classify, there are many uncommonly known things surrounding fruits.

One of my favourites that always surprises people is the fact that bananas are actually berries. To be considered a berry, the fruit has to develop from one ovary and have a soft skin/outer, fleshy middle and inner (where the seeds are contained). And of course, since I wouldn’t be writing about it if they didn’t meet this requirement, bananas fit the bill of a berry. Furthermore, not only is a banana scientifically a berry, but so too are grapes, eggplants, and oranges. Yet, possibly the most surprising part of all of this is that neither strawberries, raspberries, nor blackberries are technically berries.

With the mention of strawberries, another fact about strawberries is that they’re the only fruit with seeds on the outside. Moreover, strawberries are actually multiple fruits, meaning that, as the name implies, they are made up of many small, individual fruits. In fact, the small brown or white specks that appear on the strawberry are the actual fruits known as achenes, and they each surround a tiny seed.

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